
Kamil Koranda – sightseeing flight to Sněžka and the Giant Mountains


“Despite certain reluctance on my part, we enjoyed the trip. Domís and my wife in particular were absolutely thrilled; I was surprised and, more to the point delighted, to have the opportunity to pilot the aircraft myself. We have no suggestions for improvements; the flight itself was great, as was the entire organization around it. It’s super to see that your work is also your hobby; it means that both you and your husband are much more positive with us passengers. What’s more, the fact that you look on airplanes as an ordinary means of transport for you and your family and that you bring your children to their grandparents by plane makes me smile and evokes a feeling of admiration on one hand, and is the ultimate in reassurance, on the other (well, if he flies his children from A to B, then he must know his stuff so the plane is not going to come down with us in it 🙂 It was fantastic to know where we were at any given moment, what exactly we were flying over. Also, being able to listen to the surrounding traffic through headphones only added to the atmosphere of the trip and “sucked you into the narrative.
Thanks again – we thoroughly enjoyed the experience 🙂

Wishing you every success for the future, both personally and professionally, and if we decide to go for a similar experience again, you will definitely be top of our list.”